A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z


Active - A device that has reported into the DCA and sync'd to ASM within the last 72 hours.


Bulk Import - The ability to update up to 500 devices from an excel template. 


Communications - This tab is visible on each Customers view and allows the enabling of emails when devices are low or toner has shipped to the devices email contact.

Configured - A device that has had all required fields updated including trigger threshold and order method.

Customer Management - The view where all customers within a dealer can mark the status as managed, not managed or pending go live. By default any new accounts that ASM pulls in will be flagged as pending until one of the 3 status is selected by a user.

Customer View - Page where a user can view a customer device list and view order history


Dealer View - Page where a dealer can view customer account summary & run on demand reports.

Detailed Report - This is the automated daily/weekly report that is selected on the dealer view. This includes device and supply part # info along with ship to address details.

Device List - On the customer view a sortable list of devices that includes serial number, order method and last update date.


Exports - This is the on demand reports section in the lower left corner of the dealer screen. Report options include Devices, Orders and Toner Waste.








Last Updated - On a Customer or Device view this data is visible in the right hand corner in date/time format to show the last time data was pulled into ASM.

Low Toner Devices - Part of the Notification Management page this list of devices shows what supplies are below 25%. The data includes the order method and the actual last data date and is sortable or exportable.



No Orders Email - Sends out a daily/weekly email even if there are no orders during that time period.

Non Reporting Devices - Part of the Notification Management page this list of devices shows what devices haven't had new supply updates in several days. The data includes the order method and the actual last data date and is sortable or exportable.

Not Configured Devices - Part of the Notification Management page this list of devices have not had all the required fields completed for notifications/ASM orders to generate. The data includes the order method and the actual last data date and is sortable or exportable.

Notification Management - Accessible via the bell icon on the ribbon this view provides actionable reports regarding non-reporting, low toner and not configured devices


Offline Device - A device that has been manually added to the ASM portal. This allows the "order now" feature to be enabled so end users can request toner on non-networked devices. There is no threshold to setup as supply levels are not available from the DCA.

On Order - A supply item gets this status when the supply item crosses the threshold and an order has generated. This status will be cleared when a new cartridge is detected.

Order History - This tab is visible on each Customer and Device view and allows the history of alerts to be reviewed including date, color and part # at the time of that order.

Order Method - When configuring the device select between ASM (Auto-ship) or Notification (Order alert triggered to be included on a daily or weekly report)





Shipping Address - This tab is visible on the Customer view and allows quick editing for all devices that have the "Use Company Address" feature enabled. Fields able to be updated include company name, address info, and device contact email.

Simplified Report - This is the automated daily/weekly report that is selected on the dealer view. This includes device and supply part info.

Supplier - When a device is configured to Auto-ship (Order Method = ASM) the Supplier will determine how that order is filled. Examples include pushing an order to a dealers Eautomate or shipping through a product supplier such as Clover.



User Management - The page that allows someone to create login credentials, modify/suspend access, and view last logged in date/time.





Yield - The amount of pages a toner is projected to print with standard coverage.