1. Dealer Alert Configuration

2.  Customer Alert Configuration

1. Dealer Alert Configuration

This is suggested for all standard accounts that require alerts based on the Global alert settings. These notifications will trigger based on Global settings that can be FOUND HERE. If needing to set customized alert thresholds see Customer Alert Configuration section below. 

For alerts to start generating there are two steps required. The creation of the email template and the actual consumable configuration. It is best to complete the template first as it will need to be selected when setting the consumable rules. To create the template go to System Administration ->Message Templates. Here a user can create a message template for their Dealer account.

Once the template is completed navigate to System Administration -> Notifications.  Here a list of notifications created including first contact, monitor offline & consumable requests among others will be displayed.  Navigate to the bottom of the list to select Consumable Request from the drop down and click Create Config.

The next screen will include tabs:

Provide description and mark if Consumable rule should be active
FilterLimit the Customers/Devices/Status' that will alert. If triggering for all Accounts only select desired status
ActionIdentify the desired template and what email address should receive alert

Once the options have been selected click the save button to keep options selected. At anytime a setting needs to be modified or an account needs to be added to these selections navigate back to System Administration -> Notifications and select edit icon.

Once completed all customers by default will have generate requests set to enabled with the global thresholds identified above.. To modify the defaults use the "Consumable Management Configuration tab" on the customer record to change thresholds.

2. Customer Level Configuration

By default the EKM system will be enabled for all customers. This setting is visible under the customer tab "Consumable Management Configuration". 

Editing this tab will allow for the below options:


Default Value

Recommend range

Generate Consumable RequestYesSelect No to prevent alerts for this customer

Lead Time

7 days

5 to 15 days (depending on your shipping time scales)

Upper Threshold


15% – 30%

Lower Threshold


Ideally 5% to 10%, but for customers with a high usage rate may be better set to 15% or 20% to ensure requests are generated early enough.

Messages via EmailNoSelect Yes to receive emails based on recipient(s) selected
Email RecipientNot SetEnter email destination where alerts should be sent
Zonal Message DestinationsNot SetAccounts using zones can have different contacts assigned.
Consumable Key UserNot Set

A Custom Report has been created to allow all customer settings for consumables to be easily seen in a tabular format. The Report is named 'Consumables Configuration' or alternatively 'Customer Cons Mgmt Settings' and can be found in the Reports > Custom Reports section of Insight. Should this Report not currently be available on your Portal please contact the EKM Support Team for assistance.

The output of the report will contain the following fields